28 Days Later
Twenty-eight days ago, My Pirate returned home looking like a zombie after helping a friend build a new shade structure on his hunting property up in Klickitat, WA. A one sentence text the night before had warned me that he had accidentally rolled a 4 wheel ATV without wearing a helmet and that he was fine. He was not fine.
A quick trip to the ER confirmed what I suspected, a mild concussion. We were reassured that he would be back to work after a week of healing, but that hasn't happened. My Pirate's bruised brain has taken more time to heal. He's been unable to drive and he drives for a living. So, he's been home with me.
dandelion seeds
Now, My Pirate is an awful patient. The first time that I discovered this was when he had a hand surgery. While I was out picking up his pain pills from the pharmacy, he took out a sawzall and cut out a large rectangle out of our living room wall for three new windows. I spent the rest of the day installing windows. So, I've had to keep a close eye on My (concussed) Pirate to keep him out of trouble.
He's on the mend and has found his smile and sense of humor along the way. So, he's no longer a concussed humorless zombie, but he has a ways to go. Caring for him has been like babysitting a five year old that has access to power tools. It has been challenging. I've closed doors, turned off the barbecue, and graciously accepted every thank you for something that he just did, but forgot about.
Barnaby's been helping My Pirate rest and relax.
And somewhere between all the naps, doctor and pt visits, we've grown closer through this injury. And once he's all healed, I'm going to get angry and yell at him, but in the meantime I hold him close and whisper in his ear, "Helmets are sexy."
P.S. I'll share all of my new garden projects and recipes with you soon!