Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: May 2015
Here's a quick peek at what is blooming in my garden right now.
kousa dogwood blooms
The white blooming kousa dogwood tree is lifting up its chartreuse flowers that will slowly turn white over the following weeks. Barnaby loves to stand under this tree; A dog with his favorite dogwood tree.
The purple rue has lifted up to over five feet tall this year. I've noticed pedestrians stopping to enjoy the flowers.
Chive blossoms delight me at home and in The Hazel Dell School and Community Garden. Here's a feature in The Columbian on our school garden and Barbara.
The Pagoda Dogwood is my favorite shrub in my back garden. I love how it grows out in layers. Right now it's frothy with flowers.
A beneficial predatory fly hunts on a hardy geranium blossom.
This is a burnet flower. Burnet is an herb that tastes like cucumber and I grow it in all of my gardens for salads. I normally chop it back to the ground by now for new delicious leaves.
This aphid photo-bombed my bleeding heart shot.
Um, Barnaby, can I have my favorite garden hat back now?
Don't forget to stop by our bloom day hostess, Carol of May Dreams Gardens. Have fun out in your garden!