Happy Birthday, Mr. Barnaby!

We are celebrating Mr. Barnaby's second birthday tonight.  He's grown so quickly from the 10 pound puppy we adopted that had survived a near deadly bout of Parvo, to a handsome 175 pound gentleman.   

Run, Barnaby, run!

Run, Barnaby, run!

He's almost dignified in his goofy manner.  Mr. Barnaby is my constant companion.  Lap warmer, hole digger, garden assistant, and lets not mention his fridge opening ways.  I'm so grateful to my friend Linda and her crew at Companion Pet Clinic for bringing him into my life.

My life and garden would be incomplete without Mr. Barnaby.  Don't you agree?

An Early Spring

Sunny sixty degree days have coaxed my Star Magnolia, Magnolia stellata, to bloom a full month early. 


The variegated daphne planted around the trunk are filled with blooms and the front garden smells positively gaudy.  Pedestrians slow to take in the intoxicating fragrance as it wafts down the driveway towards them.  And I smile, ablaze with Spring Fever.

Death in My Garden

A dead ladybug at rest in a young hardy geranium leaf.  

A dead ladybug at rest in a young hardy geranium leaf.  

Death is a resident in every garden.  And as a life long gardener, I've learned to accept the stink and slime of it.  But, that doesn't make it any easier when I lose a prized plant.  

I usually mutter a few choice curses, grab a shovel and move the dearly departed plant to my compost heap.  Then, I go inside and put a big X through the tag in my garden book and make a few notes.  But, this time I took a few shots to share with you, so we can curse together before I go get my shovel.


My Schefflera taiwaniana 'Yuan Shan' has given up and died.  Sigh.

Schefflera taiwaniana 'Yuan Shan' in October 2013

Schefflera taiwaniana 'Yuan Shan' in October 2013


It was meant to be a focal point in my front bed by the house.  The plant tipped to the side and I didn't notice.  So, it developed a canker from the stem touching the compost.  I propped it back up, but it was too late for the plant to recover.  It pains me to see all those lovely wavy pinnate leaves on the ground.  I'll miss it.

Schefflera taiwaniana 'Yuan Shan' in October 2013

Schefflera taiwaniana 'Yuan Shan' in October 2013

Fortunately, Tsugawa's Nursery carries a nice line of Hardy Scheffleras, so I won't be without one for long.  I'm going to pick up a couple more this spring and make sure to stake them and keep the compost level low around the stems. I don't want to lose another one.  

Plant death in my garden teaches me valuable lessons and makes room for new plants.  It's also a powerful reminder to keep a closer eye on my plants.  My garden is waking up early this year and its already time to start my morning strolls through the garden to check for problems like slugs.  Ugh…I hate slugs.    

So, have you lost any plants lately?    

A Quiet Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: February 2015

Today, I ventured out into my garden for the first time since I came down with the stomach flu last Friday.  It felt great to be outside in my messy February garden, so I decided to celebrate by taking a few shots for a belated Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day post.  

Indian Plum, Osmaronia cerasiformis

Indian Plum, Osmaronia cerasiformis

The Indian Plum has busted out in full bloom, making the local hummingbirds very happy.  

Brunnera 'Jack Frost'

Brunnera 'Jack Frost'


Yes, I can still see you, Barnaby, hiding behind a Pagoda Dogwood branch.  

Variegated daphne

Variegated daphne

The sweet fragrance of the daphne blooms overwhelmed me while I took pictures in the front yard.

Star Magnolia

Star Magnolia

I noticed that a few Star Magnolia blooms are about to unfurl.  

Euphorbia wulfenii

Euphorbia wulfenii

This euphorbia guards the poetry post from the Neighborhood Miscreants and Partying Garden Gnomes.  My neighbor refers to the euphorbia as the Shrek's Ears plant.  What do you think of that name?



The hellebores are quietly blooming in the side yard.  


Thanks for joining me on my walk through my garden.  Its time for me to kick my feet up and drink some more ginger tea.  Please don't forget to visit our lovely hostess, Carol at May Dreams Gardens, to view flowers from around the world.  Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day to you!