My Ten Favorite Photos From 2013

Happy New Year!

It's just been over a year since My Pirate gave me my first DSLR camera.  And so for the first time, I'm able to participate in A Tidewater Gardener's yearly ten favorite photo meme. So, please join me as I take a look back to review my favorite pictures.

January 8, 2013

Even though it was a rainy day, I set up my new tripod right under the eaves of the house and took shots of the fading hardy fuchsia blooms.

March 3, 2013

This Indian Plum blossom momentarily cheered me two days after the death of my beloved dog, Maya. 

May 14, 2013 

The arrival of the Royal Wedding Poppy blooms coincided with eighty degree days and an early start to my summer watering schedule.  I adore this flower.

May 20, 2013

Barnaby, our Blue Merle Great Dane puppy, loves to savor sunny afternoons chewing on sticks on the back patio furniture.  Here, he is 11 weeks old.

June 9, 2013

I took this shot on a warm Sunday evening as the wind kicked up off the Columbia River.  I tried to capture the sun glowing through the masterwort flowers,

Astrantia major

, as they danced in the breeze.  

June 15, 2013

With camera in hand, I welcomed the dawn in My Victory Garden and was rewarded with this shot of borage in the morning light with bronze fennel.

August 22, 2013

We celebrated the first night of our road trip vacation with a delicious picnic in our hotel room.

September 8, 2013

This picture captures me falling back in love with my garden after an amazing nursery and garden tour.  Barnaby scratched the door to go outside and I noticed the evening light touching the Japanese Anemone clump and I took a few shots. This shot is a runner up in the Fine Gardening Autumn Garden photo contest and I won a gift certificate. 

December 20, 2013

A light snow with some ice pellets fell and I ran outside with my camera to capture the transformation.  Tomatillo skeletons are beautiful when they are glazed with frost or snow.  

December 5, 2013

Winter sunrises catch the sky on fire.  I took this shot of the Japanese Anemone seed heads looking up though the Douglas Firs at the fiery sunrise.

I love capturing quiet moments of beauty in my pictures.  I used to think that my garden was a mess in the winter, but now I go out and explore.  Dawn and sunset are my new friends.  Seeing my world through the camera lens has opened up my eyes.  

Please don't forget to stop by A Tidewater Gardener to gawk at his gorgeous photos!