Falling Back In Love
My photo is a runner-up in the Fine Gardening Autumn Garden photo contest. It's the third picture in their slideshow. I won a $50 gift certificate at Santa Rosa Gardens. I'm thrilled and surprised because I forgot that I had submitted my picture.
But, I do remember taking this picture. I took this picture the evening after we returned from our Kitsap Peninsula adventure. I was overflowing with inspiration and felt a wee bit critical of my own garden after visiting overwhelmingly gorgeous gardens and nurseries. Barnaby scratched the door to go outside and as I opened the back door I noticed the evening light touching my oh-so common Japanese Anemone clump. And I picked up my camera and felt myself fall back in love with my garden again as I snapped a few shots.
I'm looking forward to spending my gift certificate. Any suggestions on what I should buy?