The Last 17 Days of Summer

Indigo Rose Tomatoes

Last night, I puttered in my garden.  And it cleared my foggy funk that had settled in with the change of weather.  I pruned the cardoon down, tucked away some seeds heads in the garage, and deadheaded huge areas of burnt out blooms. I filled up the yard debris container and then I pulled out my camera.  

Front garden at sunset
bronze fennel seed head
garlic chives seed head
While I was taking shots behind the split rail fence, I heard a man making loud monkey sounds as he passed by the Tetrapanax and I laughed.  He heard me, blushed and glanced up with a smile as he passed by with his wife.  Another lady approached and accused me of using mass quantities of Miracle Grow on My Shock and Awe Bed which amused me and I explained the virtues of organic fertilizer.  
Sungold tomatoes 

I noshed on tomatoes out of My Victory Garden as I tried to capture the orange evening light splashed on the garden.  And I felt wealthy and blessed.  I'm going to savor the last seventeen days of summer and hope for a long dry autumn.  

Purple Angelica bloom, Angelica gigas