I Bought A Cake

I bought a cake for My Kid.  Me.  The one who loves to bake and give birthday treats.  But, it’s good to know one’s limits and I chose to focus on dinner (lemon roasted chicken with gravy) and let Larson’s legendary Bavarian Banana Cake star under the 23 lit birthday candles.  It was a lovely gift for My Kid and me.

I can’t remember the last time that I bought a cake for someone.  It was fun to call and reserve it.  And a thrill to go pick it up in its pretty pink box while the cashier beamed at me.  Plus, it was delicious.  No fuss, no muss.  But of course, My (sweet, sweet) Kid said that he prefers my Bavarian Banana Cake.  “Next time”, I reassured him as I sent him home with leftovers for today, his actual birthday. 

Happy, happy birthday to My Kid!