Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: May 2013

Our May weather has felt more like July.  I've savored warm and sunny 80 degree days and I've already started my watering soaker hose schedule that I usually begin at the end of June.  The soil has warmed up and my summer garden has launched early while the spring flowers are swooning.  
Royal Wedding Oriental Poppy
The poppies started popping open this week.

Western Bleeding Heart, Dicentra formosa
 The bleeding hearts are starting to wrap up their show as the rodgersia are expanding. 

After blooming until Christmas, the hardy fuchsias are beginning to burst open again.  

 The geums are opening.  Pedestrians love to pick these as they walk by and I don't mind.  

Pagoda Dogwood, Cornus Alternifolia
The pagoda dogwood is blooming for the second time.  This is one of my favorite plants.
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 The rugosa roses are blooming and filling the garden with their sweet clove fragrance.  The blooms close up at night and open when they warm up.  This one looks like it needs a cup of coffee, or maybe that's just me.
 This weigela was a gift from a friend.  I put the name tag in a safe place, even safe from me, apparently. 

wild rose, rosa nutkana
 A wild rose bloom peers out.
salmon berry  thimble berry
 The native salmon berry thimble berry, known as natures toilet paper, is blooming.
Update:  Thanks for the correction, Portland Tree Tour.  This plant is thimble berry, not salmon berry. 
Chinese Fairy Bells
Rosa glauca
 The Rosa glauca is blooming, but I grow it for it's interesting blue and purple foliage. 

Rosa glauca

And while I was busy editing my pictures this morning, Barnaby, our 10 week old Great Dane puppy, raced down the hallway with toilet paper streaming out behind him.  And I laughed, took a picture, seized his contraband, and put the toilet paper out of reach...for now.   

Please visit Carol, our lovely hostess, at May Dreams Gardens to explore blooms from around the world.  Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day to you!