Another Downpour

Yesterday, I opened my door to another downpour and sighed.  My Pirate urged, "Quick, get your camera!"
So, I took a few shots of the rain pouring down our copper rain chain.  And it made me smile.

 Once the downpour ended.  I went out front and picked a bouquet of French Breakfast radishes out of The Victory Garden.  
And I noticed that the tender mild darlings are starting to turn against me and gather some pungent heat.  Which is what I've been waiting for because I've been wanting to try David Lebovitz's pickled radish recipe.  It was a cinch to make and delicious.  And pretty too.  I'm enjoying them alongside my crostini creations or even on their own. So, my crush on David Lebovitz (swoon!) remains unmarred.

Pickled Radishes
slightly tweaked from David Lebovitz's recipe

1 pound of radishes

1 1/4 cup water
3/4 cup vinegar
3 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon cracked peppercorns
1 clove of garlic cut in half
1 pinch of red pepper flakes
1 fresh bay leaf--I used bay, but you can use tarragon, dill, or your favorite herb

1.  Wash the radishes, trim them, and cut in half lengthwise.  Place them in a pint jar.

2.  Add the water, vinegar, salt, and sugar to a 2 cup pyrex glass measuring cup.  Heat in the microwave until the mixture reaches a boil and the sugar and salt are dissolved.  Mine took 3 minutes in our microwave.

3. Add the peppercorns, red pepper flakes, and herbs to the jar.

4.  Pour the boiling vinegar mixture into the jar.  Let the jar cool and reach room temperature before adding the lid and putting the jar in the refrigerator.  The radishes are ready to enjoy after 24 hours and can be kept in the fridge for one month.