Pet Names for Maya
Over the past 13 ½ years, I have collected a fair amount of
nicknames for my dog, Maya. I baby talk and coo and make a big fool of myself
over her. Here’s just a few pet names
that come to mind.
- Miss Maya
- Maya Papaya
- Me O Maya
- Pretty Girl
- Baby Girl
- Baby Baby
- Turkey Burger
- Puppy Puppy
- Pretty Pretty
- My Donkey Dog
- My Little Toad
- Dragon Breath--meant with love, I assure you.
And here are a few of my favorite greetings.
- Who’s the pretty girl?
- Who’s the prettiest?
- What’s up dog?
When Maya was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in November 2011,
time suddenly became a precious commodity.
I have showered her with love, baby talk, sci-fi movies, steak, and pate (canned dog
food). The end is coming quickly, I
fear. So I’m making every word count to
My Sweet Puppy Puppy!