Garden Blogger's Bloom Day: February 2013

Sweet Coltsfoot, Petasites japonicus, and The Assistant's foot
Happy Bloom Day!  I'm happy to report that my Sweet Coltsfoot, Petasites japonicus, is blooming and hasn't been trampled (yet) by The Assistant.  But, it's definitely been nibbled on by slugs.  Time for a slug hunt.

And the first hellebore bloom is just starting to open.  I accidentally received this hellebore in 2008 when I was given permission to thin a hosta bed at The Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden and to plant the hosta thinnings in my garden.  Thunder rumbled around us and lightening lit the way and I was grateful that I didn't get electrocuted through my shovel.
 I enjoy this hellebore every year.  And I adore the seed heads it forms later in the season.

Please take a moment to visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens who hosts this monthly event.  It's fun to catch a glimpse of flowers blooming around the world today. Happy Friday to you!