Garden Blogger Bloom Day, December 15

I continue to be surprised by what I find blooming in my garden during this very mild fall.  I'm crossing my fingers that we get a hard frost soon to prepare the plants for any upcoming cold winter weather. 

I discovered this ground cover strawberry bloom.  This plant has slowly been invading my yard from the neighbors' garden.  Isn't it pretty?  

The hardy fuchsias, Ladies' Eardrops continue to bloom and attract the hummingbirds.

The wax begonias are still puttering along.

I found the last little blossom on the gold oregano.

The lemon thyme  and rosemary are still blooming.

I love the way the borage looks in the rain.

And then I found evidence that the garden gnomes have been partying without me, again. Those hooligans.

The autumn joy is looking a bit haggard but continues to bloom.

And the Acanthus Mollis continue to bloom and look good.  They usually are puddles of slime this time of the year. 

This is the very last cape fuchsia bloom.

And there are still flower buds on the caster bean.

Along with some very ugly and toxic seed heads .

The chocolate cosmos flower buds are continuing to open and then I bring them inside in a vase.

The Tiny Tim Spurge is still blooming.

The fatsia japonica is still putting on a show.

The grasses out front have turned gold and contrast nicely with the seed heads.

The flowers on the Harlequin Glory Bower Tree are beginning to fade.

The last few blossoms on the hebe are hanging on.

Three little blossoms cling to the Mahonia eurybracteata 'Soft Caress'.

Don't forget to pop on over to May Dreams Gardens to visit all the other Garden Blogger Bloom Day links!