Garden Details and My New Camera

My Pirate gave me a new Canon Rebel camera last week.  And I’ve been out taking pictures, whenever the rainstorms pause, with a huge grin plastered across my face like a five year old at Disneyland.  

My new camera is able to capture details like this stink bug, Banasa dimiata. It patiently posed on a castor bean blossom until I captured just the right shot. 

Banasa dimiata on a castor bean blossom

My November garden is a counterpoint of beautiful foliage and dead leaves.  The Spike Winter Hazel, Corylopsis spicata, is putting on a beautiful show.

Corylopsis Spicata

The dead hosta leaves are interesting to look at.

A cascara tree leaf, Rhamnus purshiana.     

This snowberry, Symphoricarpos albust, is going to take a trip to the compost heap next spring.

I came across this leaf composition resting on top of an Acanthus leaf.

The kousa dogwood is one of my favorite trees with it's three seasons of interest.  

Right now, my young tall stewartia tree, Stewartia monadelpha, is my favorite tree, even though the sun burned it's leaves this August. I might need to move it to a shadier spot.

The rugosa roses reached over seven feet tall this year and now the foliage is turning gold.

This summer I added Japanese forest grass, Hakonechloa macro 'Aureola', seed heads to many of my bouquets.  

And ostrich fern fronds that died in the drought.

And Japanese anemone seed heads.

And even branches of the twenty four year old japanese maple that is a foundation planting in our neighborhood.

Only two more days until December and the hardy banana is still pushing out a new leaf.

The chocolate cosmos are still blooming up a storm.

And so are the hardy fuschias. 

Frost, where are you?