Bouquet of the Week
This week, I decided to create a bouquet for my hairdresser, Michelle Krause, who is a true artist, gorgeous, and dresses in creative outfits that express her personality. I simply couldn't give her a bouquet of flowers in a glass mason jar. No, I needed to give her something with flair, so I decided to use my recent garage sale find, a red mosaic glass vase that added sparkle and texture for $2.50. And then I paired it with the the ruby stems of ligularia blooms. I added some smaller ligularia leaves, coleus, and some gold foliage. And I liked it enough to photograph it.
But, even as I photographed it with The Assistant. I felt like something was missing.
The bouquet simply looked unfinished and like it needed some more height. So, I added some zebra grass, gold smoke tree, yellow cape fuchsias, new ostrich fern fronds and a big Sum and Substance hosta leaf in the back. Ta-Da! Now that's more like it.