Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: March 2015
This afternoon, the winds are roaring outside with gusts up to 45 mph, Douglas Fir cones are dropping on our metal pergola roof like artillery, and our lights are flickering on and off. It seems like a strange time to talk about the blooms in my garden, but let's do this.
The neighbors' cherry tree blossoms are snowing petals in our garden. I love those blooms!
The star magnolia continues to bloom its heart out. I never tire of taking pictures of the blooms.
The variegated daphne is still pumping out fragrant flowers.
Can you name this beauty? Yes, it's a dandelion. I let them bloom for the bees in the early spring. Barnaby keeps nibbling the withering flowers off. We have a good system going for us.
Indian Plum, Osmaronia cerasiformis
The Indian Plum continues to bloom.
Evergreen Huckleberry--sorry for the blurry image but you get the idea!
The Evergreen Huckleberries are blooming their tiny blooms that the hummingbirds love to sip.
Primula sieboidii 'Lacy Lady'
Japanese Coltsfoot, Petasites japonicus
The kraken have reemerged! The Japanese Coltsfoot is blooming, safely tucked inside its new stock tank. My Pirate is thrilled! He loves this plant.
Spike Winter Hazel, Corylopsis spicata
The Spike Winter Hazel continues to bloom. Barnaby started pruning the palm tree when I took this shot. He's such a helper.
Please stop by May Dreams Gardens to see the rest of the bloom day offerings. Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day to you!