Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: August 2014
Gobbo Di Nizzia cardoon bloom
Did you know that out of the 743 million known insects over 99% of them are beneficial? Less than 1% of known insects are pests. And I only watch out for 12 pest insects in my vegetable garden. That is why I'm very careful about what chemicals I use in my garden. And I lay out a smorgasbord for my favorite insects complete with a watering station.
Bees adore Gobbo Di Nizzia cardoon blooms
The bees and other pollinators are partying in the cardoon and artichoke blooms. They keep tumbling over and over. I've even noticed some pollen theft going on between them. I can find upwards of 15 bees at a time on a small cardoon blossom.
Ladybug on bronze fennel blossom
The ladybugs have been feasting on bronze fennel pollen before they mate and lay their eggs on my aphid covered Russian kale. Ladybugs lay their eggs in aphid colonies so that their offspring can a feast when they hatch. So, I pull back on watering a few plants to attract aphids. And nasturtiums work great too.
golden hyssop, Agastache anisata ‘Golden Jubilee’
I haven't used my golden hyssop in a simple syrup for a cocktail yet, but the bees love it. Every herb garden needs a golden hyssop.
herb bed
My herb beds are overflowing with happy blooms.
And my front perennial beds are overflowing too.
celery blooms mixed with Lacinato kale
The celery bolted and I've been enjoying the blooms mixed in with the kale.
Violetto artichoke bloom
Does this artichoke bloom look like a ravenous monster?
Violetto artichoke bloom
As I was taking more pictures of my artichokes, a car pulled over and a couple hopped out to ask me about the blooms. I foresee artichokes in their garden next year.
Blackberry Lily
As I took pictures of the lovely blackberry lily blooms, a pedestrian called out to make sure that it was my garden that I was photographing. Good security! Then, she told me that I should write a book about my inspiring garden. Such sweet words.
Pineapple Lily bloom
My pineapple lily survived the cold winter and is blooming. I applauded it when it emerged late this spring.
Japanese Anemone bloom
Oh my goodness! I just discovered a ladybug larvae on my arm and took it back outside and placed it on a kale leaf. It's already noshing on aphids. I just love how ladybug larvae look like mutant miniature alligators with an orange stripe the color of a ligularia bloom.
Othello Ligularia Bloom
Don't forget to stop by our hostess, Carol. Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day to you!