Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: May 2014
When I was a little girl, my Mom let me fill a tiny orange dipper with a small bouquet every week throughout the summer. Year after year, I carefully cared for my bouquet by changing the water and trimming the delicate stems of the flowers. I walked through her gardens and closely inspected her shrubs and perennials for my bouquets. And without realizing it, I learned the basics of garden composition. Now, I stalk my garden with my camera in my hands looking for tiny details to capture.
rugosa rose
On the first of May the rugosa roses sweet clove scented blooms began opening for the season.
Astrantia Major
I moved a small start of Masterwort, Astrantia major, into the front yard this year.
I picked this Thalictrum up at the bloggers plant swap last fall and My Pirate put the label in a safe place in the garage. Do you ever lose things by putting them in a safe place? Or is it just a garage thing?
Horseradish bloom
Horseradish is delicious and the blooms are pretty too. Just be careful of it's tendency to spread from its roots.
Wingthorn Rose
I love how the morning light makes the thorns on my wingthorn rose glow.
Princess Victoria Louise Oriental Poppy
And the poppies are popping open in this heat wave. Literally.
These are my favorite details in the garden right now. Don't forget to stop by our lovely hostess, Carol, at May Dream Gardens, to see blooms in gardens from around the world. Happy Garden Blogger Bloom Day to you!