Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: March 2014
It's spring. Five days early according to my calendar, but the Indian Plum and Winter Spike Hazel are blooming in concert. So, according to my view out the back window, it's spring. To quote Admiral Adama, "So, say we all!"
Spike Winter Hazel, Corylopsis spicata
The Spike Winter Hazel is blooming its heart out. And appears to be unscathed from our cold snaps this winter.
Indian Plum, Osmaronia cerasiformi
The Indian Plum blooms are keeping the hummingbirds happy.
Japanese Coltsfoot, Petasites japonicus
The Japanese Coltsfoot blooms are keeping the pedestrians curious.
A single volunteer daffodil is peeking around the poetry post.
Brunnera 'Jack Frost'
The brunnera blooms are starting to launch and have survived Barnaby so far.
Variegated Daphne
The variegated daphne lost most of its foliage this winter, but it still decided to bloom and fill our front walkway with its sweet perfume. I'm grateful that spring has arrived.
What's blooming in your garden right now?
Don't forget to stop by May Dream Gardens to see what's blooming in gardens around the world!