A Walk Through The Shire

Come take a walk with me through The Shire. 

Last Sunday, My Pirate and I had the pleasure of tagging along with a group of horticulturists touring the 75 acre preserve, nicknamed The Shire, that renowned architect John Yeon sculpted to feature the views of the Columbia River and Multnomah Falls.  Randy Gragg led the tour filled with gorgeous views and stories.  

I was born and raised 30 minutes away from Multnomah Falls.  I grew up hiking and picnicking along the Columbia Gorge. And yet, I’d never once heard of The Shire directly across the river on the Washington side.  So, I jumped at the chance that garden writer, Kate Bryant, gave us to explore The Shire and see my favorite falls from a new perspective.

The view from the amphitheater of The Shire features Multnomah Falls.

The view from the amphitheater of The Shire features Multnomah Falls.

The wind kicked up the thin stream of Multnomah Falls.

The wind kicked up the thin stream of Multnomah Falls.

Our group gathered on the amphitheater lawn to start the tour.

Our group gathered on the amphitheater lawn to start the tour.

Kate Bryant introduced Randy Gragg to the group.

Kate Bryant introduced Randy Gragg to the group.

As Kate Bryant introduced Randy Gragg to the group, my attention and camera lens kept pulling towards the constantly changing clouds, light, and shadow.  

Clouds enshrouded the hillside behind us.

Clouds enshrouded the hillside behind us.

We walked quietly listening to the sound of leaves blowing through the wind and the occasional roar of a train passing through at full speed.

Looking up

Looking up

A pier

A pier

We climbed up a mossy rock embankment and gazed down at the shimmering view of the pier.  Yeon repaired the stream that moves into The Shire, but beavers regularly build dams on it.

Licorice ferns glow in the October sunshine.  

Licorice ferns glow in the October sunshine.  

the cove

the cove

pear orchard

pear orchard

We explored a pear orchard planted in the 1880 using Eastern pear stock.  We sampled some of the crunchy artisan pears.

Kate Bryant and Susan Bryant pause to enjoy the pear orchard.

Kate Bryant and Susan Bryant pause to enjoy the pear orchard.

Looking out through The Shire towards Multnomah Falls

Looking out through The Shire towards Multnomah Falls

The perfect place for a picnic.

The perfect place for a picnic.

We thoroughly enjoyed our tour of The Shire on a moody October afternoon.  Thanks for tagging along on my journey.  

For additional information:

Randy Gragg’s article The Long View in the Portland Monthly Magazine Magazine


To help support The Shire  http://yeoncenter.uoregon.edu/give-now