Heading North: Day 2

Big Cedar

We pulled out of Ocean Shores, smiling as it receded in the rear view mirror, and headed to Seabrook, Washington.  Seabrook is a Sunset Magazine Idea Town and it felt like we were inside the pages of a Sunset Magazine.  It was the perfect Sunset Magazine coastal community.  All the front porches were welcoming with beach vignettes and clever house names.  Crushed oysters covered the pathways and I wanted to move in, immediately.  We hope to rent a dog friendly cabin there next summer.

As we were driving along Highway 101, we saw a simple brown sign with Big Cedar written in white letters.  I was curious so, we turned off to see the Big Cedar.  We drove a short ways (.3 miles) to a parking lot and walked a few hundred feet into a scene out of James Cameron movie.

I took pictures of a dad video taping his kids climbing the Big Cedar while the mom stood back biting her lower lip in worry. 

"Hey Dad, look at this!"
"Don't worry, son, I'm video taping you," said the Dad.
"Don't interrupt him while he's climbing!" the Mom squealed.

Then we continued on our way, laughing at how the windows of our truck cab fogged over whenever we closed the windows.  It was a beautiful wet day.

We stopped at Ruby Beach and went agate hunting:  one of my favorite pleasure.  I collected a few interesting rocks.  Then we sat down on the truck's tailgate and enjoyed some more of our picnic.

Ruby Beach

We headed to the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, Washington.  I was totally humoring My Pirate.

For forty minutes, we drove through the farm.  Animals would stand beside the road with their mouths open waiting to be fed.
Feed me!
Here's some whole wheat bread for you!
Nom nom!
I enjoyed watching the kids interact with the animals.
Hey kid, hand me some more bread.
My Pirate woke up every bear that was happily sleeping in the mud by throwing bread near them.  Such an infuriating pirate.

And then there were the buffalo...they were the stars of the show.  We rolled down our windows and two buffalo stuck their heads completely in the cab of our truck.  And My Pirate dropped the bread!  The buffalo opened their mouths and stuck out their long tongues hoping to be fed.   Their breath smelled like fermented grass and stinky feet.  Charlie gently pulled the truck forward, the buffalo pulled back, and we both laughed until we cried.  I realized that I was covered in buffalo slobber and I suddenly missed Barnaby acutely.  I missed my little slobber monster and was ready to go home,  but we weren't finished with our road trip yet.